Utah Masters Records


Individual Records


By Age Group

As Of

Short Course Yards

SCY by Age Group

April 2024

Long Course Meters

LCM by Age Group

May 2024

Short Course Meters

SCM by Age Group

October 2023

Relay Records


By Age Group

As Of

Short Course Yards

SCY by Age Group

Long Course Meters

LCM by Age Group

Short Course Meters

SCM by Age Group


Utah One Hour Virtual/Postal Top Ten

One Hour

3000 Yard Postal Top Ten


USMS Recognition For Utah Swimmers

Each year, U.S. Masters Swimming publishes a list of the Top Ten times that have been swum in every individual and relay event for each of the three pool courses.


Utah Top Ten

Utah All Americans 

Utah Relay All Americans

Utah All Star Swimmers 

USMS Top Ten Times for LMSC/Club